Lake Level 917.05
Normal Pool 915.0
Water Temp 82-85 degrees
Bass fishing has been good lately on Table Rock. Still catching them shallower for this time of year. Water Temp’s dropped a couple few degrees since hot July I’ve been seeing more fish schooling on top in the White and James river early in the morning and cloudy days. Mainly largemouth and smaller Kentuckies but bigger fish and some schools of white bass below them. Try dropping down a white 3/4 ounce spoon 20′ below the surfacing fish when they slow down. Also I have been catching some good smallmouth and Spots on a 3/8 ounce football jig early on the gravel flat points. Fish seem to be anywhere from 10′-20′. They’ve been eating a PB&J and brown/purple flash color with a Chomper’s 4” twin tail.
The drop shot fish I’ve been catching have been on the same flat points on the main lake. On bottom anywhere 18-25′ deep. Also have been starting to catch some suspended in a few deeper trees and ends of deep boat docks in the same depth. Been doing the best dropping a watermelon/candy Chompers 4″ worm and nightcrawlers.
The trout fishing on Taneycomo is hard to beat right now. A lot of fun and a lot of action can be had catching the slicks. In the morning they’ve been running none to little water. Try fishing a pink trout worm or pink trout magnet below a float with a 6′ or 8′ leader. Use a 2lb fluorocarbon leader line. There’s a lot of nice trout from Cooper Creek to Scotty’s Trout Dock area. Also I have been catching nicer sized ones bouncing an 1/8 ounce sculpin jig off the bottom. Later on when they turn the water on in the afternoon try drifting an inflated crawler or orange gulp eggs around below Fall Creek to Trout Hollow.